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首页    行业信息    英国CLASS的CARGO-SAFE舱口盖超声波泄漏仪特点和优势



The Cargo-Safe and Door-Safe receivers unparalleled performance.

The signal from the ultrasonic transmitter is a bi-tone, slightly above and slightly below 40 kHz. Therefore, the receivers must exclusively capture these two very close frequencies. Any other frequencies produced by machinery, welding, repair work, or possibly from fluorescent lighting, must be rejected by the receiver. Any noise interference would show up on the receiver's display and be heard  in the headphones which increases the display reading above the true value and obscuring the transmitter's bee-boo sound in the headphones. When the signal to the receiver is weak the display error can be significant. for instance at the critical time when readings are being taken from the closed hatch cover. Consequently, it is essential that the receiver only registers the transmitter sound and nothing else. The Class Instrumentation receiver has a unique capability to filter out all other sounds outside the transmitter's precise frequency range of 40 kHz, making it unparalleled in recording reliable and error-free results; essential requirements for an error free ultrasonic receiver.




超声波发射器的信号是双音,略高于和略低于40kHz。因此,接收器必须专门捕获这两个非常接近的频率。接收器必须拒绝机械、焊接、维修工作或荧光灯产生的任何其他频率。任何噪声干扰都会出现在接收器的显示器上,并在耳机中听到,这会使显示器读数高于真实值,并掩盖耳机中发射器的蜂鸣声。当接收器的信号较弱时,显示错误可能会很大。例如在从关闭的舱口盖读取读数的关键时刻。因此,接收器必须只记录发射器的声音,而不记录其他声音。Class Instrumentation接收器具有独特的能力,可以过滤掉发射器40 kHz精确频率范围之外的所有其他声音,使其在记录可靠和无误差的结果方面良好表现;无误差超声波接收器的基本要求。


Transmitter Emitter testers for hatch-cover testers are crucial for ensuring accurate measurements. These transmitters employ multiple emitters to create a uniform spread of ultrasound. Each emitter must operate at maximum power to produce this even distribution. The uniform spread of ultrasound is essential to ensure consistent energy levels impact the entire hatch-cover seal. This consistency allows the open-hatch value (OHV) to be measured anywhere around the hatch-cover, yielding reliable decibel readings. The pass/fail criteria for hatch-cover seals are standardised at 10% of the OHV. Thus, it is vital that each emitter functions at maximum power to maintain consistent ultrasound throughout the ship's hold.

Testing the output of each emitter requires individual assessment using a calibrated emitter tester. Class Instrumentation Ltd includes a dedicated emitter tester in their Cargo-Safe hatch-cover testing kit. This tester is used before each survey to verify the transmitter's proper operation, ensuring compliance with all hatch-cover testing regulations. Class Instrumentation Ltd provides these essential tools.





测试每个发射器的输出需要使用校准的发射器测试仪进行单独评估。Class Instrumentation有限公司在其货舱安全测试套件中包括一个专用发射器测试仪。该测试仪在每次调查前用于验证变送器的正常运行,确保符合所有舱口盖测试规定。Class Instrumentation有限公司提供这些基本工具。


Transmitter Power.

In the realm of ultrasonic hatch cover testing, the significance of a highly potent transmitter cannot be overstated. Picture the hold of a cargo ship—a vast expanse akin to the scale of a grand church or mosque. To meticulously examine it for potential leaks, the deployment of ultrasound is imperative.

The objective in leak detection lies in pinpointing even the minutest ultrasound emissions. Adherence to regulations mandates precision within a margin of just +/-1%. Achieving such exactitude necessitates a substantial Opening Hatch Value (OHV) quantified in decibels. The magnitude of this value is paramount; if insufficient it would render findings inconclusive.

With Cargo-Safe from Class Instrumentation Ltd reigning as the most commanding ultrasonic transmitter procurable, it boasts a formidable output of 157 decibels, standing unrivalled in the market. For further details, delve into the depths of its capabilities.




Class Instrumentation LtdCargo-Safe是市面上较强大的超声波发射器,拥有157分贝的强大输出,




Uniform Ultrasonic sound distribution. Achieving a consistent ultrasound level throughout the vast expanse of a cargo hold on a bulk carrier presents a significant challenge. Not only does it require substantial power, but also a method to evenly disperse the energy emitted from the transmitter to uniformly saturate the area. The arrangement of the 13 emitters on the transmitter must therefore be meticulously designed to emit energy in a precise pattern for effective distribution.

Class Instrumentation Ltd has perfectly engineered the positioning and angles of each of the 13 emitters to tackle this complex task with precision ensuring optimal performance.





Class Instrumentation Ltd特别地设计了13个发射器中每个发射器的定位和角度,以精确地解决这一复杂任务,确保xx性能




Battery Life.  Ensuring prolonged battery life is crucial when conducting leak detection on hatch covers aboard a bulk carrier. Avoiding the inconvenience of battery changes is paramount. At Class Instrumentation Ltd, we've integrated a proprietary circuit designed to sustain transmitter power consistently, regardless of battery voltage, until only 10% of battery power remains. This innovative feature extends equipment performance, doubling the operational time compared to conventional circuits. With this enhancement, our equipment can confidently complete surveys on Capesize bulk carriers using just one set of batteries.



在散货船上对舱口盖进行泄漏检测时,确保延长电池寿命至关重要。避免更换电池带来的不便至关重要。在Class Instrumentation Ltd,我们集成了一种专用电路,该电路设计用于在不考虑电池电压的情况下持续维持变送器功率,直到只剩下10%的电池功率。这一创新功能延长了设备性能,与传统电路相比,运行时间延长了一倍。通过这一改进,我们的设备可以自信地使用一套电池完成好望角型散货船的调查


2024年8月15日 11:05